Music Workshop with Paweł Bębenek

Music Workshop with Paweł Bębenek

16 – 18 of February, 2018 / Sankt Augustins Kirke / Jagtvej 183D, København Ø. This coming weekend arrives to Copenhagen Paweł Bębenek, musician and composer from Kraków (Poland). He prepares the music workshop for the community of families which participate...
Sankt Augustins Kirke – service & activities

Sankt Augustins Kirke – service & activities

On the facade of Sankt Augustins Kirke you can find quotation from the Gospel of Marc: “Sumite: hoc est corpus meum” (14:22), which means: “Take it, this is my body”. Remember, that in our church we celebrate the Eucharist three times during...
Foredrag om digteren Thor Lange

Foredrag om digteren Thor Lange

15 februar kl. 19.30 / Sankt Augustins Kirke (ind i pejsestuen) / Jagtvej 183D, København Ø Møde med dr. phil Jon Gissel om digteren Thor Lange der konverterede Romerkirken før sin død i Rusland i 1917. Manchet: I sidste trediedel af 1800-tallet foregik der i Danmark...
Beautiful Music at Jesuits’ vol. 7

Beautiful Music at Jesuits’ vol. 7

The 17th of February, 2018 / 19:30 / Sankt Augustins Kirke / Jagtvej 183D, København Ø The guest of Beautiful Music vol. 7 will be a big, international ensemble led by Julius Windisch! The German pianist mixes influences from romantic heritage, contemporary classical...
retreat in daily life – Lent 2018

retreat in daily life – Lent 2018

These retreat are for you, if… …you desire a personal encounter with God through the Scriptures, …you are an English-speaking student or young adult, …you are not too busy at your studies or work, …you do not need to travel too much at the moment, …you can pray...