Sankt Augustins Kirke – service & activities
On the facade of Sankt Augustins Kirke you can find quotation from the Gospel of Marc: “Sumite: hoc est corpus meum” (14:22), which means: “Take it, this is my body”. Remember, that in our church we celebrate the Eucharist three times during...
Foredrag om digteren Thor Lange
15 februar kl. 19.30 / Sankt Augustins Kirke (ind i pejsestuen) / Jagtvej 183D, København Ø Møde med dr. phil Jon Gissel om digteren Thor Lange der konverterede Romerkirken før sin død i Rusland i 1917. Manchet: I sidste trediedel af 1800-tallet foregik der i Danmark...
Beautiful Music at Jesuits’ vol. 7
The 17th of February, 2018 / 19:30 / Sankt Augustins Kirke / Jagtvej 183D, København Ø The guest of Beautiful Music vol. 7 will be a big, international ensemble led by Julius Windisch! The German pianist mixes influences from romantic heritage, contemporary classical...